Thursday, June 14, 2012

A rare positive ancestry research outcome...

My mother has an absurd interest in researching her ancestry. This has resulted in finding a lot of people on Facebook sharing her last name (my middle name). There are actually a lot more Canadians than Danes with that last name. Not family only common last name. This was a very long introduction.

The point is that my mother wrote on the Face that she was going to Canada and asked if anybody wanted a visit. Al Meyn wrote her back that we were very welcome at his place including staying for the night. And why not?

So yesterday around noon we were welcomed to the home of Al, Janis and their 3 dogs even if we had never met them before.

During the day and evening, I slowly learned more and more of Al's amazing life. He has been a farmer in Alberta; has worked for the Canadian military for 25 years, which among others has led him to postings in Germany (9 years in all), Cyprus and the former Yugoslavia. He has lived and worked above the arctic circle for a couple of years, and has by the way raised his sons by himself. He has even had his own company at one point and not least been working a couple of years at Vancouver Island, which is where he met Janis. When talking to Al, that being about food, light nights, travels or else, his usual answer often begins with: "that reminds me of when I ... in ...". Almost sounding as if he was a sailor.

We were treated with delicious food. Classic and very Canadian tender and yummi barbecued ribs, grilled potatos, sweet corn and all together with Al's homemade white wine.

Location:Vernon, British Columbia, Canada

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