Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A hitch and a song

I went back to the mountains today. First the train to Haridwar. I'd actually thought of taking an autorickshaw from there to Rishikesh, but then I met an Australian backpacker, who asked if I was going with the bus and I thougt "why not?" That saved me a dollar on transportation - wauv... - and could explain the environmentalist from Australia a bit about where he'd ended up. When I'd sent him on with a couple of younger an more enthusiastic girls from Costa Rica, it turned out I could get a lift onwards with Padri, who's a driver for Aquaterra. He was in Rishikesh anyways and he'd be there in another hour. An hour is really not much in India.

It's always good to drive with Padri. First of all he's a fright ass, who likes being alive. That's just the kind of driver you'd like to go with in India. He doesn't take any risks! And today we had a longer conversation on the way. By now, I know enough Hindi to make real conversations - beyond finding out whether Im fine or not.

Today, we spoke about my family, which he likes - nice people, that my nephew is a charmer (as if I didn't know), when I'll come visit his house - his wife will cook and I can sleep over. And then of course a couple of songs. We were singing in Garwhali, Hindi and Danish. My Hindi is far from perfect - but I do feel like I've made it somewhere!

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