Thursday, March 14, 2013

Big caves. Old caves

We've gone south to Aurangabad and the UNESCO World Heritage caves in Ellora and Ajanta. The caves are actually temples and monasteries that are carved into the rocks. The oldest by buddhists in Ellora in 200 A.D. The newest by Jains in Ajanta around 900 A.D. There's about 30 caves each place. They were forgotten for centuries and then rediscovered by British soldiers in 1820. Actually, one of the caves in Ajanta as late as 1956.

The caves are World Heritage for a reason. They are completely overwhelming in their detailing, sculpturing, painting, everything - we spent a full day at both sights. The caves have been described by many others, so I'll just post a few impressions - if you want to learn more, you'll have to visit yourself - or google it.

The Ajanta caves with sculptures from cave no. 5 or 6 in the foreground.

Self portraits and ceiling is my latest photo thing - I like the perspectives you get. Both sights were perfect for it.

A man in front of thousand year old carvings in Ellora.

This huge temple has ben carved out of one big rock. You can see the rock still surrounding the temple. Basically just awfully impressive.

I'll never get old enough to stop laughing of a carved penis...

Elephants for Mum and Jens.

Two muslim men looking at buddhist sculptures.

Laila in a peaceful moment.

A Shivling or a lingam - an incarnation of Shiva's penis... The hindus praise it. I never get so old either that I wont find that fact funny...

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